Sonntag, 22. April 2012

wham, bam, thank you ma´am

 i think this one is done.... idea for a background... maybe tomorrow...
   ...needs some lettering and the shirt-design for my danish bros is done...ha

Freitag, 20. April 2012

yabadabadoooooo- a bit o´ work-a lot o´drinks- a huge hangover and two pics shaded

         for my danish bros- just a bit o´color and it´s done
    you can see nick i practice a lot...haha

Sonntag, 8. April 2012

yes, i can´t wait to go on working- i´m boooooooored

 thanx for everything dudes....

 yo nick, don´t panic, this is not for the flash...haha

the current business card...

Freitag, 6. April 2012

back-up vol.2

 okay, here´s some stuff that happened beside my passion... drawings, sketches, funny pics and things that impressed me a lot ....

 maybe my new business-card...

 my bro in arms...!
 LA airport at night
 the almighty "PUPPENDOKTOR"

 ...stuck in LA and texting the girls...
 the crew reached destination SLC-airport (for about 3 hrs sleep in 30 hrs traveling...)
 i don´t know what it is, but with the added "z" it´s almost my name...haha

 shopping for the crew ???
 the ataris ( was a real great show...)
 cheers buddy...
                                 NOPE !!! - maybe tomorrow...

 yeah dude, see you in NYC and i hope yer hand is getting better day by day...

 thanx for everything!!!

 out with the boys at the jackalope(?) bar

 doin the lining together on one client (switching the machines after one song... was really fun!!!)

 the setup...
 mmmmh yummy, a needle-wash-water-cocktail...

 for a friend...

 for the mr. wilson charity auction

... and this one is almost PERRRRRFECT- okay the sketch not really, but the person who did...thank you !!!